Domotic school garden

Bulgaria - video-Microbit.mp4


This project has 2 objetives:

Designing a set of software and hardware low-cost and technological management of school gardens. This design using agrological sensors and an agro meteorological mini-station allows the cultivation in school gardens to be controlled, and it can be implemented by students.

This generated material allows students to build a node with sensors using basic electronic components that are easily accessible and low cost

This gude include all the instructions necessary to develop the project activities, so that they can be replicated by the entire teaching community in their schools.

The "Domotic School Garden" (DSG) project has been conceived to develop student competencies for the automation of an ecological school garden (STEAM: Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics), in addition to other linguistic competences (due to the vehicular language of the project will be English), and integrating transversal values.

The development of the competences in STEAM requires that the student take the theoretical knowledge that he/she acquires in the classes to the practice, in an environment where the learning is developed in a natural and practical way and where the student participates in the teaching-learning process and achieve meaningful learning.

As horizontal priorities, the project wants to contribute to environmental and climatic objectives, ensuring that students understand in a practical way how natural systems work in an environment such as the garden, and how it is affected both by the ecosystems around them, as for the climate, and its importance as the support of life on the planet and the risks, therefore, that derive from climate change as a global threat.

In addition, the aim is to highlight to students the opportunities that arise from the intelligent use of technology, to achieve better use of resources and thus improve our resilience to climate change for the future.

This initiative was created out of the need to reduce school failure for our students, motivate students towards learning, incorporate innovation in institutions, promote teacher training and improve self-training capacity at STEAM, seek new teaching-learning methodologies, involve students in the teaching-learning process, attend to diversity, collaborate with other European institutions, share experiences, reduce rural bias, bring students closer to global environmental problems, such as climate change and developing the values in the curriculum in a transversal way.

The result we will achieve will be a hardware and software system (IO1) adapted to schools, which will be used by the students of the partner centres and exportable to any educational centre that wishes to implement it in their classrooms.

This generated material will allow students to build a node with sensors using basic electronic components that are easily accessible and low cost. Based on this, students will be able to develop an agronomic irrigation design to regulate the cultivation of plants in the school garden, through various basic parameters: humidity and temperature, and soil moisture. This project covers the need for schools to reinforce basic technological skills, in robotics and programming.

The software together with the elaborated didactic activities and with examples will be organized in a Pedagogical Guide (IO2) explaining how the project has been developed. The Guide will provide tools that will allow the teacher to carry out projects around the management of the school's ecological garden, the low-cost installation of a domotic garden, and that facilitate students to interact with the environment through the garden.

For the dissemination of the project results, 3 Multiplier Events will be held, the first a Conference on Technology and Education in school gardens, to be held in Bulgaria, a Congress on Agromotics and Organic Agriculture in Primary Education, to be held in Spain and lastly, a seminar in Greece focus on implementations for sustainable development.

In addition, a Communication and Dissemination Plan will be developed for the Erasmus + Domotic School Garden project, the objective of which will be to contribute to the promotion of the project through an internal, external and marketing communication strategy at the local, national and international level.